Premier Wynnd’s strategy on wind turbines: say one thing; do the opposite

Click chart to enlarge

Don’t know if you have noticed, but governments have a new approach to communicating unpopular decisions to the public: If something is black, call it white. Say one thing; do the opposite.

Case in point: Premier Wynnd’s Wynne’s “willing hosts” throne speech on February 19, 2013. Quoting from a Toronto Star publication: “It referred repeatedly to the need for “conversations” and promised an end to the arbitrariness of the McGuinty regime. Local populations must be involved from the beginning, it said, if there was to be a gas plant, casino, wind farm or quarry in their area. “Our economy can benefit from these things, but only if they have willing hosts.” [Ref:, page 32.]

Taking the Premier at her word, 83 municipalities (out of a total of 90 that are high potential wind project locations), passed “not a willing host” resolutions.  So, let’s see how the Liberal government followed up on the Premier’s promise.

In the 10 months prior to the Premier’s promise in the throne speech, 7 new wind projects were approved.  In the 10 months following, 17 new projects were approved — more than double the rate.  Say one thing; do the opposite.

At the date of the throne speech, 800 MW of capacity had been approved under the Renewable Energy Application process.  Ten months later, at the end of 2013, 1800 MW had been approved — more than double the capacity.  Say one thing; do the opposite.

Premier Wynne has ignored her promise in the February throne speech to permit wind projects only in those municipalities that are willing hosts — in fact, it’s obvious that she never intended to honour it.  She is playing us for fools.

There is little that we can do to rectify this situation .. until the next provincial election, which may be happen this spring.  Then it will be payback time.

Posted on January 24, 2014, in Advocacy / politics / legal, Municipal control, Wind turbines. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Cold Air and commented:
    Nice work charting the increased approval of wind projects. I’ll add that is in no small part due to the offering of curtailment payments almost as soon as Wynne moved into the Premier’s office:

  2. Could you please change our e-mail address to the one we used to send this message. thanks jim

    new email address

  1. Pingback: The Lying Liberals, and their NDP Enablers! | Mothers Against Wind Turbines

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